claire blackwelder

Claire Blackwelder

Q&A, Piano, Acting, Vocal
Technique, Vocal Styling,
Shakespeare, and more!



Claire Blackwelder is a stage and screen actress and musician best known for her role as the Purple Power Ranger on Nickelodeon. She received her degree in Theatre from the University of Southern California. During her time at USC, she studied Shakespeare through the British American Drama Academy at Oxford and performed and competed with the award-winning a cappella group The SoCal VoCals. She is a classically trained pianist and currently teaches at the acclaimed Riko Method School of Piano. With experience filming a kids' action show in New Zealand, belting 80s rock on a cruise ship, performing Shakespeare in an outdoor amphitheater, shooting a thriller in Kentucky, playing a man in a woman's body on a small black box stage, and more, Claire brings an eclectic background to her coaching. She is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher, having tutored and coached privately and in classroom settings for several years.